
What are cookies?

Cookies are (small) text files that are sent along with the website and stored on the hard drive of your computer or (other) mobile devices by your browser. The information stored therein can be sent back to the servers during a subsequent visit to the website. The main function is to distinguish users from each other. The term cookies also include ‘local storage’ and similar technologies. Cookies are used to facilitate the functionality of the website, improve and optimize performance and user experience, analyze site traffic, and enhance the relevance of the offerings on this website and on third-party websites by tailoring it to your interests and preferences.

Why do we use cookies?

Below are the types of cookies used. It is important to know that there are three reasons for using cookies:

  1. Cookies are necessary for our website to function optimally.
  2. There are cookies used to collect (anonymized) statistics about our website.
  3. Tracking cookies may be used for marketing purposes.

Which cookies do we use?

Cookies can and will be placed both by us and by other parties with whom we collaborate. For our website, we use the following cookies:

Functional cookies: these cookies ensure that the website functions properly. We also use these cookies to track website statistics. We can see which parts of the website have been visited and the service can therefore be adapted as much as possible to the surfing behavior of visitors. These cookies are automatically deleted once the web browser is closed. These cookies make no or only minor infringement on your privacy.

Permanent cookies function to recognize you as a visitor on a return visit to the website. The website can therefore be specifically set to preferences. We also remember through a cookie that you as a user have given permission for us to place cookies. This means you do not need to repeat your preferences, which allows for more pleasant use of the website by you and saves time. Such permanent cookies can be deleted via the browser settings. Finally, local storage in the browser is also used by these cookies to temporarily store data. The advantage of this is that pages can be displayed faster, it is visible whether a user is logged in, and that after the user's session expires after login, the same page can be shown to you as a user again. This information may contain the user's name.

Analytical cookies: these cookies allow the use of the website to be analyzed so that the quality and/or effectiveness of the website can be improved. We work with Google Analytics. Therefore, both we and the web builders as well as (external and internal) online marketing parties performing tasks on our behalf necessarily have access to the data collected in Google Analytics. We measure, for example, how many visitors visit the website, at what time the website and pages are visited, from which region the internet user visits the website, which pages are visited (how long and how often), and in which order, and whether there have been any error messages. All these collected data are used to optimally tailor the content of the application to the wishes and needs of the visitors. These data are also collected anonymously and are not used for any other purpose than mentioned above.

Marketing cookies or tracking cookies: these collect data on surfing behavior so that a profile can be built. Data collected include visited web pages, IP addresses, cookie content, and referrer URL. The profile built about you is not linked to your name, address, or email address.

Cookie Durability

The cookies we place and over which we have influence have an expiration date. This means that cookies automatically expire after a certain period and no longer register data. Each visit to our website extends the expiration date of the cookies. The term we use depends on the type of cookie but is a maximum of two years. This allows us to compare trends over the past two years. We have no influence on the expiration date of cookies placed by third parties (such as Meta, Google, etc.).

Third Parties

Our website contains links and buttons with references to third-party websites and other applications. These include the network services Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google. When you use third-party services, for example by clicking such a link or button, you may leave our website or open an application on our website and give permission for the placement and use of cookies by these third parties. Please note, we have no control over the cookies that are placed on these websites and we advise you to consult the privacy statement and/or cookie statement of the relevant website/service/provider for information. The information collected by these parties is (as much as possible) anonymized. These third parties are responsible for the information that is recorded through cookies.


The website is built on the basis of all recent versions of the browsers Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari. The design and functioning of the website may differ when using older versions of these browsers.

Deleting or Disabling Cookies

Through the cookie banner, you have given your consent and possibly your preference regarding the cookies that are placed. Even after this, it is possible for you to influence the way cookies are placed. For example, you can delete cookies placed via the browser and turn off the acceptance of (certain) new cookies. Deleting or disabling cookies may cause parts of our website to no longer function (such as automatic login), no longer be visible or accessible, or be displayed incorrectly. It also makes it more difficult for us to improve our website, tailor the website to your wishes, and improve our services.

Further, you can use the information about cookies & online privacy and the options to organize your cookie settings via, for example, Additionally, you can set your browsers on all your devices so that you no longer receive cookies on a subsequent visit to our websites. For instructions on how this can be set up, we refer you to the help function of your internet browser.