Create opportuni­ties

Hard work beats talent. As good as our athletes and performers are, they need someone to set goals, manage affairs and create opportunities. At Iconics Management, we are prepared to assist at any time of the day. We construct a strong foundation and are the driving force behind the top performance out of genuine interest.

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Be iconic

Become an agent

Iconics Management specializes in athlete and artist management, a unique profession that requires dedication, compassion and guts. On the one hand, you are faced with the challenge of building a sustainable network in the sports and entertainment world. On the other hand, you guide athletes and artists in their growth. You work jointly with experienced specialists, such as financial advisors, lawyers, physiotherapists, coaches and marketing strategists.

The more successful you are in your profession, the more career opportunities you can create for athletes and artists. This is a job with many responsibilities. Fortunately, at Iconics Management, you are not in it alone. We exchange knowledge, share our network and work together for growth. This way, we help each other, and you will get the most out of your career, just like our athletes and artists.